# Changes in nbdime ## 3.2 ### 3.2.1 - 2023-04 - Fixed incorrect exit code submission when succesfully closing web tools. ### 3.2.0 - 2023-04 - Jupyter server 2.0 support - Removed ipython_genutils code. - Make INFO text more readable in dark terminal - Compatible with asynchronous contentsmanager - Update cell marker format to use bold correctly ## 3.1 ### 3.1.0 - 2021-05 - Removed py2 compatibility code. - Fixed issue with certain output diffs in web view. ## 3.0 ### 3.0.0 - 2021-04 - Added support for JupyterLab 3. This includes compatibility with jupyter_server (notebook is still supported as well). - Basic functionality for working with cell ids introduced in notebook format spec 4.5. Full utilization of this for diffing/merging functionality is planned for a later release. - Fixed some issues with inline merging ## 2.0 ### 2.1.0 - 2020-10 - Dropped Python 3.5 support. - Optimize comparison of large stream outputs. - Fixed an error when merging a file that were concurrently added in two branches with git. - Fixed a config bug where ignore configs written in a file was not taken into account. - Fixed compatibility with JupyterLab 2.2 - Various other fixes and adjustments. ### 2.0.0 - 2020-03 - Dropped Python 2 support, and Python 3.4 support. - Fix support for Python 3.8 on Windows. - Various improvements to lab/notebook extensions. - Made web apps (e.g. nbdiff-web) work properly offline. - Fix for git driver with renamed files. - Various other fixes and adjustments. ## 1.1 ### 1.1.0 - 2019-08 - Add rest API for server extension for handling pure git diffs of notebooks. This allows for a cleaner call without prefixing the filename etc. This is currently only available on the server extension, but can be moved to the main server if there is demand. ## 1.0 ### 1.0.7 - 2019-07 - Fixes an issue using config files (PR #476). - Upgrades to using lab 1.0 components, which also allows lab extension to support lab 1.0. ### 1.0.6 - 2019-05 - Fixed a styling regression from 1.0.5, where the web text panes had incorrect styling (most notably incorrect widths). ### 1.0.5 - 2019-03 - Fixed filename encoding issue with git diff on Python 2. - Fixes for deploying nbdime on a non-localhost server. - Web: Fixed issue where unchanged cells would not show correctly if unhidden. - Various other fixes and adjustments. ### 1.0.4 - 2018-12 - Fix git diffing failure with older versions of git. Now, an older version of git will simply prevent integration with git filters. - Allow for two-way merge by making the base notebook argument to `nbmerge` optional. It will now default to an empty notebook. ### 1.0.3 - 2018-10 - Web: Fix issues with hiding unchanged cells. Make hiding unchanged cells configurable and on by default. - Options of the console printing can now be configured. Mainly the `--no-color` flag disables ANSI color escapes. - Web: Fixed MathJax math rendering. - Various other fixes and adjustments. ### 1.0.2 - 2018-08 - Diff: Optimized diffing of large texts (e.g. big cells). - Config: Fixed several issues with the config system. - Lab extension: Updated to latest jupyterlab. All npm packages are now using ES6 features. - Web: Fixed keyboard tabbing / focusing issues. ### 1.0.1 - 2018-06 - Web: Fix output rendering of outputs with a period in MIME type name. - Config: Add configuration option for front-end extensions. - Merging: Fix handling of corner case for inline merge strategy. - Various other fixes and adjustments. ### 1.0.0 - 2018-05 - Added ability for git diff driver to integrate with git filters. - Improved/fixed merge resolution for similar cell insertions. - Added config system to allow for configuring the various entrypoints. Especially useful for customizing which keys to ignore when diffing. - Added control to web view of outputs to select which MIME type to render, and to enable trusting of outputs for full rendering. - Added jupyterlab extension. Frontend/server extensions are now enabled by default on installation. - Various fixes and adjustments. ## 0.4 ### 0.4.1 - 2017-12 - Fixed layout issue in web diff for cells added/removed/patched in the same location. - Dropped support for Python 3.3. - Ensure Ctrl+C will shut down the nbdime web server on Windows. - Ensure server extension works with 4.x version of notebook server. - Various fixes and adjustments. ### 0.4.0 - 2017-11 - Fixed issues with the diff filtering options. - Added git diffdriver using web-diff. - Added mercurial integration code and entry points. - Added notebook extensions for integration into its web interface. - Changed layout for web diff such that chunks of added/removed cells or outputs are shown side-by-side. For small monitors, they will still be shown below each other. - In the web-diff, relative images in rendered markdown will now show a placeholder image instead of broken images. - Various fixes and performance improvements. ## 0.3 - Handle git refs directly in nbdime, so you can `nbdiff HEAD notebook.ipynb`, etc. in git repos. This replaces the never-quite-working git difftool - Support filtering options on all entrypoints, e.g. `nbdiff -s` to only show diff of sources. See `nbdiff -h` for details - Fix MathJax CDN URL, now that cdn.mathjax.org has shutdown - Use `jupyter-packaging` to build javascript sources in `setup.py` - Various fixes and performance improvements ## 0.2 - Support ip, base-url arguments to web entrypoints - Enable export of web diff to static HTML - Various fixes and improvements ## 0.1 ### 0.1.2 - 2017-01 - Fix inclusion of webapp sources in wheels ### 0.1.1 - 2017-01 - Fix default location of `--global` git attributes file - Support `--system` argument for git configuration, allowing easy setup of nbdime system-wide - Render tracebacks and colors in stream output in web view - Render output as long as one MIME-type is safe in web view - Improve styling of web view - Fix a bug in inline-merge ### 0.1.0 - 2016-12 First release of nbdime!