=================== Notebook Extensions =================== Installation ============ To install and enable the nbdime jupyter extensions, run:: nbdime extensions --enable [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] Or, if you prefer full control, you can run the individual steps:: jupyter serverextension enable --py nbdime [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] jupyter nbextension install --py nbdime [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] jupyter nbextension enable --py nbdime [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] jupyter labextension install nbdime-jupyterlab This will install the nbdime notebook server extension, the notebook frontend extension, and the jupyterlab frontend extension. The ``--system`` (default) and ``--user`` flags determine which users the extensions will be configured for. Note that you should use ``--sys-prefix`` to only enable it for the currently active virtual environment (e.g. with conda or virtualenv). Usage ===== After installing the extensions, one or two buttons should show up in the notebook toolbar, as shown in the figure below. .. figure:: images/nbext-preview.png :alt: nbdime buttons in notebook extension Figure: nbdime's buttons in the notebook extension. Clicking the git button will open a new tab showing the diff between the last commit and the *currently saved* version of the notebook. Note that this button will only be visible if the notebook is currently in a git repository. Clicking the checkpoint button will similarly show the diff between the *checkpointed* and *currently saved* versions of the notebook. Removal ======= To disable and uninstall the nbdime jupyter extensions, run:: nbdime extensions --disable [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] Or, if you prefer full control, you can run the individual steps:: jupyter serverextension disable --py nbdime [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] jupyter nbextension disable --py nbdime [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] jupyter nbextension uninstall --py nbdime [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] jupyter labextension uninstall nbdime-jupyterlab The flags are the same as for the installation step. If your extension install/configuration gets messed up, run:: jupyter --paths And search the folders under the "config" and "data" headers for traces of nbdime. The configuration might be located in separate nbdime.json files, and/or have specific entries in other config files.