Configuration ============= Nbdime uses a config system loosely based on that of Jupyter. This means that it looks for config files ``nbdime_config.json`` in all the directories listed by the :command:`jupyter --paths` command, as well as the current working directory. The syntax of the config files are similar to that of other Jupyter commands:: { "NbDiff": { "details": false } } To list all the possible config options and their *current effective values* run the command:: nbdime --config Alternatively, you can use the ``--config`` flag for any CLI entry point:: nbdiff --config nbmerge --config Any flags passed on the CLI will override the config value. The current output of `nbdime --config` is: .. code-block:: none All available config options, and their current values: NbDiff: Ignore: {} attachments: null color_words: false details: null metadata: null outputs: null sources: null NbDiffWeb: Ignore: {} attachments: null base_url: "/" browser: null color_words: false details: null ip: "" metadata: null outputs: null persist: false port: 0 sources: null workdirectory: "" NbMerge: Ignore: {} attachments: null color_words: false details: null ignore_transients: true input_strategy: null merge_strategy: "inline" metadata: null output_strategy: null outputs: null sources: null NbMergeWeb: Ignore: {} attachments: null base_url: "/" browser: null color_words: false details: null ignore_transients: true input_strategy: null ip: "" merge_strategy: "inline" metadata: null output_strategy: null outputs: null persist: false port: 0 sources: null workdirectory: "" NbShow: Ignore: {} attachments: null details: null metadata: null outputs: null sources: null Server: base_url: "/" browser: null ip: "" persist: false port: 8888 workdirectory: "" Extension: Ignore: {} attachments: null color_words: false details: null metadata: null outputs: null sources: null NbDiffDriver: Ignore: {} attachments: null color_words: false details: null metadata: null outputs: null sources: null NbDiffTool: Ignore: {} attachments: null base_url: "/" browser: null color_words: false details: null ip: "" metadata: null outputs: null persist: false port: 0 sources: null workdirectory: "" NbMergeDriver: Ignore: {} attachments: null color_words: false details: null ignore_transients: true input_strategy: null merge_strategy: "inline" metadata: null output_strategy: null outputs: null sources: null NbMergeTool: Ignore: {} attachments: null base_url: "/" browser: null color_words: false details: null ignore_transients: true input_strategy: null ip: "" merge_strategy: "inline" metadata: null output_strategy: null outputs: null persist: false port: 0 sources: null workdirectory: "" Sections -------- To make it easier to configure the options of several commands at the same time, you can use the following config sections: Global Options to apply to all commands, only for options that are supported by all commands Web Options to web commands (Server, NbDiffWeb, NbMergeWeb, NbDiffTool, NbMergeTool). WebTool Options to web tool commands (NbDiffTool, NbMergeTool). Diff Options to diffing commands (NbDiff, NbDiffWeb, NbDiffDriver, NbDiffTool, Extension). Merge Options to merge commands (NbMerge, NbMergeWeb, NbMergeDriver, NbMergeTool). GitDiff Options to git diff commands (NbDiff, NbDiffWeb, NbDiffDriver, NbDiffTool, Extension) GitMerge Options to git diff commands (NbMergeDriver, NbMergeTool) .. note:: These sections are ways to configure several commands / entrypoints at once. The individual command names are the once listed in parantheses at the end of the sections, or can be seen by running :command:`nbdime --config`. Configuring ignores ------------------- The config system allows for detailed control over what to ignore or not via the "Ignore" key. It takes a dictionary in the following format:: "Ignore": { "/cells/*/outputs": true, "/cells/*/attachments": false, "/cells/*/metadata": ["collapsed", "autoscroll", "deletable", "editable"] } Which will ignore outputs, specify that attachments should not be ignored, and ignore the cell metadata keys as specified in the list. In general, ``true`` and ``false`` are used to configure diffing an entire list or map (e.g. ``"/cells/*/outputs"`` is a list of output, and ``"/cells/*/metadata"`` is a map of key-value pairs). For maps, you can additionally specify a list of keys to ignore. This is meant to enable ignoring of leaf-nodes like ``execution_count`` on cells and outputs, or specific metadata keys. If the key is not a leaf-node, it is recommended to instead include the key in the path, and use ``true`` or ``false``. Configurations of "Ignore" in different sections will be merged, such that non-conflicting keys will all be added. If the keys (diff paths) overlap, the most specific section's value will be taken. As an example, take the following config:: { "Diff": { "Ignore": { "/metadata": ["foo"], "/cells/*/metadata": ["tags"] } }, "GitDiff": { "Ignore": { "/cells/*/outputs": true, "/cells/*/metadata": ["collapsed", "autoscroll", "deletable", "editable"] } } } Here, the final config for a git diff entry point will be:: { "Ignore": { "/metadata": ["foo"], "/cells/*/outputs": true, "/cells/*/metadata": ["collapsed", "autoscroll", "deletable", "editable"] } } This means that the "tags" entry from the "Diff" section is not automatically included in the merge. Front-end extensions -------------------- The configuration of the diffing for the front-end extensions (notebook and lab) is controlled by the section key "Extension". For extensions, nbdime is not launched as a separate process, but is called as a server extension. For this reason, any of config options that conflict with those of the lab/notebook process are ignored.