============ Installation ============ Installing nbdime ================= To install the latest stable release using :command:`pip`:: pip install --upgrade nbdime This will also install and enable the nbdime extensions (server, notebook and jupyterlab). To disable these extensions, run:: nbdime extensions --disable [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] The ``--system`` (default) and ``--user`` flags determine which users the extensions will be configured for. Note that you should use ``--sys-prefix`` to only enable it for the currently active virtual environment (e.g. with conda or virtualenv). If the extensions did not install/enable on install, you can run:: nbdime extensions --enable [--sys-prefix/--user/--system] where the flags are the same as described above. For manual registration see :doc:`extensions`. Dependencies ------------ nbdime requires Python version 3.6 or higher. nbdime depends on the following Python packages, which will be installed by :command:`pip`: - nbformat - tornado - colorama and nbdime's web-based viewers depend on the following Node.js packages: - codemirror - json-stable-stringify - jupyterlab - lumino Installing latest development version ===================================== Installing a development version of nbdime requires `Node.js `_. Installing nbdime using :command:`pip` will install the Python package dependencies and will automatically run :command:`npm` to install the required Node.js packages. To install Node.js, either follow the instructions on its webpage or install it from conda (:command:`conda install nodejs`). Alternatively, if you use :command:`venv` to manage your environment, you can install :command:`nodeenv` to have node managed by venv. See :doc:`this page ` for details. Install with pip ---------------- Download and install directly from source:: pip install -e git+https://github.com/jupyter/nbdime#egg=nbdime Or clone the `nbdime repository `_ and use :command:`pip` to install:: git clone https://github.com/jupyter/nbdime cd nbdime pip install -e . Installing Jupyter extensions ----------------------------- .. note:: Only run one of the following two server commands, running both can cause issues in some cases If you want to use the development version of the notebook and lab extensions, you will also have to run the following commands after the pip dev install:: jupyter server extension enable nbdime # if developing for jupyter lab or nbclassic jupyter labextension develop --overwrite . If you do any changes to the front-end code, run :command:`npm run build` from the repository root to rebuild the extensions. If you make any changes to the server extension, you will have to restart the server to pick up the changes! .. toctree:: :hidden: nodevenv